201 E Gregory Street, Pensacola, Florida 32502

Enter the Pensacola Bay Center address into into Google Maps or your cars satellite navigation system.

Please be aware that traffic in Pensacola nearer to the Pensacola Bay Center is known to be busier than normal around times of the major events. Always allow plenty of time to arrive, park and then walk to the entrance.

Pensacola Bay Center is located at 201 E Gregory St, Pensacola, FL 32502. Guests expecting to drive in should arrange to arrive no later than 45 minutes before a ticketed event to give plenty of time to find parking and get to your seats.

Bus Directions

There are two bus stop locations near the Pensacola Bay Center.

Driving Directions

From 1-10 South

Take I-110 south to the Gregory Street exit. Pensacola Bay Center will be on your left. 

From Fort Walton Beach

Follow Highway 98 from Fort Walton Beach, Florida through Gulf Breeze. Cross the Pensacola Bay Bridge into Pensacola. Continue driving straight onto Gregory Street. Pensacola Bay Center is approximately 1 mile ahead on the left. 

From Tallahassee

Follow I-10 west. Take I-110 south (exit 12) Follow I-110 to the Gregory Street exit (exit 1A). Pensacola Bay Center will be on your left. 

From Mobile

Follow I-10 east. Take I-110 south (exit 12). Follow I-110 to the Gregory Street exit (exit 1A). Pensacola Bay Center will be on your left


Pensacola Bay Center offers convenient parking adjacent to the facility. Lots at the Pensacola Bay Center are $10.00 CASH ONLY day of the event

Special needs parking and entry is available via the Alcaniz Street entrance.